JoJo blog
essere vs stare
September 17th, 2024

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Essere - "to be"

Stare - "to be" | "to stay" | "to stand"

both essere and stare are verbs and have similar meanings, which can be confusing.


for permanent state, qualities or essential characteristics.

forms of essere - [ present tense ]


  1. Io sono italiano. (I am Italian.) Describes nationality or origin, a permanent quality.

  2. Lei è mia sorella. (She is my sister.) Describes a relationship, which is considered permanent.

  3. Lui è un insegnante. (He is a teacher.) Describes a profession, which can be seen as part of one’s identity.

  4. Il cielo è blu. (The sky is blue.) Describes a quality of the sky, which is generally unchanging.


commonly used with the gerund to form the present continuous tense (equivalent to "am/are/is + -ing" in English).

for temporary states or conditions, but it can also mean "to stay" or "to remain."

forms of essere - [ present tense ]


  1. Come stai? (How are you?) Describes a temporary condition or state, such as health or mood.

  2. Io sto bene. (I am well.) Again, temporary well-being or health.

  3. Stiamo a casa oggi. (We are staying home today.) Describes a temporary location.

  4. Lui sta parlando. (He is talking.) Present continuous tense using stare + gerund.

  5. Il libro sta sul tavolo. (The book is on the table.) Describes the location of something in the moment.

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